

Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present.

YosemiteSean (00:00):

Generaitive community artists space. We wanted to take a little time to touch base with the community again and introduce our newest team member and resident artist, Kalenia. But we’re gonna give a second here for the room just to fill up a little bit, give people a minute to get over here. We got a couple more speakers. We wanted to make sure they have a second to get in here. And yeah, in the meantime, Josh and I, we’re just gonna poke around on the main page a bit. But we wanna get you guys excited for what’s to come. We’ve got some updates for you guys, some art buys going on, and again, introductions from our newest team member. What’s going on there, Josh?

JoshGarlic.eth (00:42):

Hey, hello friends. Hi everyone, how are you all? It’s going well. I’m actually looking at the recently listed pieces. There’s some really interesting stuff here. Look at this, there is this sort of portrait, it’s called Blondie’s Dolls, hashtag six. Are you looking at it?

YosemiteSean (01:02):

I saw that one. Yeah, that was absolutely insane. The photography AI I’m seeing on the site has been absolutely incredible. I mean, there’s a ton of stuff that’s coming out of here that’s way higher quality than I’ve been able to base myself, but photography specifically has been very impressive to me.

JoshGarlic.eth (01:22):

Yeah, I’m so amazed. Also like looking at our contests on Telegram, it’s so, so amazing what people is actually submitting. Like, oh, actually I want to remind people that the voting poll for the last contest is live, so remember to vote for your favorite one. Yeah.

YosemiteSean (01:45):

Yeah, definitely remember to vote for your favorites. All voting for our community contest goes on in our Telegram. So if you guys want to have your say, make sure you’re jumping in there, joining the community and pitching your art as well.

JoshGarlic.eth (01:58):

Yeah, I also would like to invite people to participate. I see some people really active within the community that are not really submitting artworks. So yeah, I would like to invite you all to participate. Today, you might have seen it already. We are doing a Watery Worlds Aquascapes Contest. So yeah, let yourself create.

YosemiteSean (02:25):

Nope, exactly. You know, one of the great things about AI is it allows anyone to flex their artistic muscles. So yeah, everybody in the community is welcome to participate in that. But yeah, you know, it’s great to see we’ve got some people coming out here. Happy to let the community hear some updates here. I’m just going to make sure we’ve got some invites out to everyone we want to make sure is a speaker there. Josh, you want to point out one more beautiful, recently listed piece while I organize that?

JoshGarlic.eth (02:54):

All right, let’s see. Actually, I was looking at this Blondies Dolls collection, like the musicians one. It’s so, so impressive. Like it could really be like photography, just edited a little bit with Lightroom or something. Like I’m so, so astonished. And actually the latest submitted piece, it’s called The Other Side. It’s like a portrait too. Geez, look at these colors.


I hope I could pin it here. Actually, I’m going to pin our tweet, just everyone. Remember, we’re going to be buying art from our listeners. I’m going to pin the tweet here in this space. So make sure you drop your art or you let people, you know, that are artists to submit their art there and come join the space.

YosemiteSean (03:49):

Yeah, great, great call on that, Josh. I totally, totally slipped up on that one. Definitely make sure to be submitting your art here. You know, we’re looking to collect for the community and collect from the community. So, you know, we’ll be buying a few pieces during this space. So definitely share your art below, you know, and feel free to come up and, you know, share a little bit about your art. But yeah, now that we’ve, you know, had a minute for everybody to kind of get settled, I wanted to, you know, take the time to say again, you know, thank you to everybody for coming out. You know, we were hoping to take a little time to touch base with you guys again, introduce our newest team member, Kalenia. So, you know, we’ll be giving a big round of applause and a warm welcome for Kalenia momentarily. But in the meantime, we’ve also had a substantial number of developments on the site and some particularly interesting ones for the users. I know I’ve been playing around with some of the newest updates, but we specifically wanted to give ZK a chance to come up here and talk about those a little bit himself too. I believe he was particularly interested in our recent edition of negative prompts, which I can’t say I’m very skilled with myself, but I at least understand, you know, the idea there. For anyone unfamiliar, negative prompts allow you to, instead of specifically making a prompt of what you want to see in a piece, you can now specifically mention traits you don’t want to see in a piece. So, you know, say goodbye to extra fingers and legs and all that on people, assuming you are good enough to use it, because, you know, I’m still practicing there, guys, but, you know, that’s the fun of it.


So ZK, yeah, do you want to come up and explain a little bit more there?

zkbrain.eth (05:24):

Hey, hey, absolutely. Yeah, just first off, just see some familiar faces out there. That’s fantastic. Kalenia, it’s great to have you on board. So happy. Just love what you’re creating out there. And it’s incredible. You know, you’re really absorbing kind of and experimenting in the AI space, as well as your journey as an artist. I think that’s an absolute match made there. So it’s quite fantastic.


So, kind of interesting. I’ve been kind of looking, you know, with the community and on the site. You know, the artists and creators that are in here, you guys are creating just mind-blowing visuals. When I explore every day on generative, the creations are quite possibly touching on every single emotion that I have. It’s making me laugh. It’s quite fantastic. You guys are incredibly creative.


And it’s quite inspiring and keeps the team, our community and myself, like, so incredibly motivated that we’re on the right track. I enjoy having a conversation with everybody in our community. It’s quite fascinating. Just some fun stats. There’ve been approximately 5,000 NFTs listed on our platform. That’s roughly 150 a day by the community and everybody in this space. This is such a positive stat. And I keep on encouraging everyone to continue experimenting, learning, and creating.


I just wanted to kind of shout out, like even Xibumi, like he, you know, kind of one of the OG, you know, GAI community members. And I’m actually able to see that journey and not just only in his knowledge of experimenting with AI, but him producing actual AI art, it’s quite fascinating.


What I wanted to talk about today is an area which we’ve touched on briefly in our AMA. This is also an item on a roadmap, which rarely gets brought up, but it’s quite exciting to me. Because it’s a young market, but we envision it growing. And we’re not alone in that thought. It’s currently dominated by Web 2.0 space. Our Generaitive beliefs, it can bring Web 3.0 technologies to further improve it. So let’s start. What’s prompt engineering?


Everyone that’s used generative, chat GPT, mid journey, has interacted with a prompt. So what’s a prompt? Think of it as a skill of understanding how machines work and coaxing what you want out of it. And just to kind of like expand on that thought, chat GPT-4 that just was released, now has a hundred trillion parameters. Now these neural nets aren’t exactly one-to-one with a human brain thin apps, but you know, it’s the only analog that we can kind of compare it with. So just in terms of sheer numbers, a hundred trillion parameters in chat GPT-4, a human brain is roughly 600 trillion synapses.


You know, the human brain is much more complex, but these neural networks are becoming more generalized and complex as well. And just by using it, we can already observe that they produce high quality generalized output. Conversely, however, as they grow, I believe to extract highly specialized and high quality output, we need better inputs. And this is where prompt engineering comes in. Who makes a good prompt engineer? As someone that has a grasp on machine learning concepts and understands neural networks is an asset. Someone with knowledge or experience with a specific model, strong communication skills to effectively convey the necessary inputs for desired outputs, the ability to analyze the outputs and interpret the results in order to improve upon the desired outcome.


And lastly, creative skills. This is my favorite part. This is why we’re here, the human condition. We all start the same and we end up the same, but in between, that’s where humans can be emulated by a machine, but not replaced for now. Our creativity and intuition. So we’re just starting with prompt engineering. I envision the role beyond text to image. Besides the inputs and outputs, the situations that sourcing the data is difficult. And I’ll give an example, say in the medical field, where patient data and privacy is critical, we’re not gonna be able to actively harvest and data mine all of the possible patient imagery. So prompt engineer hypothetically could provide AI with generated specific training source data.


If you actually listen to some of Tesla’s like keynotes in their automation presentations or AI presentations, they touch on this, where it isn’t always possible to extract the video clips from the cameras of all the different possible situations that they need to continue to train their AI models on. So what’s Generaitive doing about it? Well, on our roadmap, we outlined prompt mapping. It’s one of our many deliverables to our overall vision, providing the outstanding qualities of Web3 as a solution to issues prompt engineers face now.


How will they get compensated for the work and how do they protect their income stream? So what are we gonna do? We’re gonna provide not only an incredible interface for prompt engineers to showcase their work, but also an example of images that have been listed on Generaitive platform using their prompt. And more importantly, with another industry first, Generaitive will be introducing prompt masking soon. We allow prompt engineers to produce and market their works on our platform.


The difference here is that we will allow prompt engineers to provide their works while obfuscating the actual prompt. The work will be passed straight to the model to generate the image without revealing the actual prompts. Right now in Web2, what’s happening is they’ll be able to market their prompts, but as soon as a buyer purchases that prompt, it’s outputted as a text file. So they could freely share that or worse, compile them all and sell it themselves.


Web3 provides the ability for us to do that in a way where prompt engineers are fairly compensated. We propose that this will be accomplished with the GAI token as an NFT subscription. By holding a prompt engineer’s unique NFT, holders will gain access to utilize the prompt engineer’s catalog of prompts. So we’ll be providing further details on this once we kind of work this out with this new community of prompt engineers that we’re gonna be engaging with.


So with that being said, Jose actually spoke on our last spaces and I’d like to kind of invite him up here to introduce himself. He’s better known as Wizardly Prompts. He’s currently ranked 12th on Prompts-based.

WizardlyPrompts (13:19):

Hey, thank you so much, ZK. Really appreciate this opportunity to speak to the community about prompt engineering, something that I’ve felt very passionate about. A little bit about myself, background is that I’ve always been creative. It started off with music and exploring electronic music and just kind of sort of managing artists and doing graphics for them and helping them produce music and just being kind of like a Rick Rubin of the industry, if anybody’s familiar with that. So that’s my start. And most recently, since AI has reached, like since the day ChatGPT came out, I’ve been obsessed. And I pretty much left everything behind all my gigs. I quit my job focusing solely on AI.


And it’s a theme that I’ve been noticing a lot with graphic designers and people in that industry that see that vision of AI. They’re like, well, my job is out the door. This is a new thing. So yeah, that’s my little background. And now I’m focusing on prompt engineer, nowhere near the money that I need to be making to support myself, but I can see the value and where it’s going.

zkbrain.eth (14:42):

Yeah, absolutely. So true. It’s amazing how, with these tools, artists or creative type of people can kind of now move into different mediums. And that’s the most exciting part to me. The point that you kind of make about being worried about losing their jobs, it’s interesting. I do actually remember artists concerned with like Photoshop and like the different tools that Photoshop was providing. And it’s an interesting case. Like they even forget AI, like people are like talking about deep fakes. How can you kind of believe anything? If you think about like magazines, probably for the past 25 years in Photoshop has been doing the exact same thing. Like, you look at any magazine cover and we all know that it’s massively touching up and changed and altered. So yeah, it’s quite interesting that you say that.


Would you mind kind of talking a little bit about your process now? Like, do you kind of decide on a specific output that you’re looking for first? Or do you kind of experiment with an image and getting the results and then working backwards to kind of figure out the best possible way to do that? How do you kind of figure out the best possible prompt you can get out of it?

WizardlyPrompts (16:06):

It’s a little mixture of both. So I kind of have like a vision. So it starts off with just basically just hanging out, just watching media and just kind of watching movies or listening to music and you get a little inspiration here and there. And just imagining what it would be for one artist to try to recreate something else. And that kind of like leads me into a rabbit hole of learning about a specific artist and their techniques and what inspires them.


So that’s kind of like a process that I like doing is like imagining the image and then extracting the information from it that I need, like from that artist, like what their thought process is and how they compose images. And I believe that works the same way with mid-journey or any kind of prompting like a dolly or a stable diffusion, which I’m not too familiar with, but I do have a couple of stable diffusion prompts for self. So I do have a little bit of experience.


So it’s like mid-journey kind of you tell it what you need and then until it gives you like four results and then it says, do you want it more like this, more like this, more like that. And then from there, you start like, you start putting two and two together of how that artist like put their work together and you’re like, hey, I can see, I noticed some of the techniques that this artist spoke about in this image and I want to bring that out.


And that’s where I start putting in like techniques. One thing that I also do is I have like a whiteboard of techniques and mediums, types of paints, brushstroke types. It’s like, if you see it, it looks like one of those like school chalkboards and it’s all over the place, but it helps me out. Like every time I’m stuck, I just like quick glance up and then I get like a whole new idea for the next prompt that I’m going to do.

zkbrain.eth (18:07):

I love it, that’s absolutely inspiring. I’m not a art mixer, excuse me. I’m not an art major or anything like that, but I guess they kind of say with Michelangelo, when he would sculpt like, you know, David, it was, his approach was he was just freeing David from the block of marble, rather than here’s a block of marble and I’m chipping away at it to come down with the final result. So I can absolutely see there’s parallels there.


Yeah, thanks for the insight. I was just wondering, you know, now that you’re kind of touching on prompt engineering and obviously, just like you said, it’s like a young growing industry. It’s not quite there yet. What do you see yourself doing in AI? You know, what are your future goals besides this prompt engineering?

WizardlyPrompts (19:03):

It’s really hard to do, but one of the things that like, I approach like graphic design or getting new clients with graphic design is basically looking for problems in their business and then trying to like, in the business, I’m not in the business of graphic design, I’m in the business of healing pains or something like that.


And it’s similar with AI. There’s like a lot of things that AI can be used for that could heal like a lot of pains. And I feel like that’s something that I want to take an approach to. So with this, it’s trying to heal a lot of pains with like graphic design and a lot of the issues that I’ve dealt with working graphic design or like working with like, for instance, like a bar, like there’s this one bar that really wanted like some really flashy graphics and I would spend too much time like editing like the drinks and the effects on it. I could just get one of those prompts where it has like the splashy image and just slap some text on it and boom, I saved myself like the whole day of work. So I’d like to continue with that approach.

zkbrain.eth (20:22):

And I’ve said it on previous AMAs, I think you just joined our community probably more recently. But I did outline that and like graphic design, interacting with artists in the space, in Web 2 or even just like traditional graphic design, you know, going all the way to like print type work. I’ve had conversations with them about AI and AI in general and it’s like the general consensus on the traditional artists is that they’re very much against it. But what I wanted to do was kind of turn that around and have a conversation and say, you know, what if it was just like a tool like Photoshop? What if you took your entire portfolio and there’s a tool set where an artist could train their own model, you know, have sovereignty on that model and control who’s able to use that model, but leverage it in the sense that you can now have an AI produce work that is in your art style, what defines you because you’re providing it all the inputs and all it does is speed up your workflow on being able to produce more work.


And I genuinely feel that that’s kind of the direction and just hearing that from you kind of validates that thesis and, you know, well, we’ll continue to try and spread that message one artist at a time. So, yeah, thanks for your input there. So, again, it was a wizardly prompt. Thank you so much for coming up here. I’m so happy that you joined our last spaces and you were able to kind of express what you were doing. I knew eventually we would meet a prompt engineer in this space and we’re quite excited about the items that we’re going to build and would absolutely love to have you come along on that journey. If anybody is interested in the prompt engineering, I absolutely encourage. And, you know, like, it’s the same narrative that I’ve said since the start of this project is art.


It doesn’t need to start on Generaitive or anything like that, you know, where our vision is completely to decentralize this, all the amazing aspects of Web3. Those are the things that we want to embrace and provide to the community here. So, please check out Wizardly Prompt’s work. He’s currently ranked 12th, I believe, correct me if I’m wrong, on prompt space, and it’s really fascinating. So, yes, I encourage the entire community to kind of check it out and learn a little bit more about it.

WizardlyPrompts (23:24):

Yes, thank you. Thank you.

YosemiteSean (23:27):

Thank you guys for sharing that. I got to say that was even more eloquent and informative than I was even expecting there. So, yeah, thank you guys. That was, you know, very interesting to listen to and really cool getting insight on, you know, more or less an entire different side of the coin of the AI market, you could say, you know, working specifically on developing the inputs into AI rather than just looking at the outputs.


Yeah, that was absolutely amazing. But now that we’ve, you know, explained a little bit more about the, you know, new features of the platform and the abilities of prompt engineering, I want to take the opportunity to welcome Colenya up to the stage to give a little information on herself, you know, give a warm welcome to our newest resident artist. So, why don’t you come up here, Colenya, and, you know, tell everybody a little bit about yourself, you know, a little bit about your arts and, you know, what you’re hoping to do with us here.

Kallenia (24:23):

Yeah, great. Thank you, everyone. I’m just thrilled to be a part of the Generaitive team. The welcome has been so warm, and I just… I’m so on board with everything that we’re aiming to do here, bringing AI to the decentralized world. It’s incredible. So, just a little bit about me for those of you who haven’t met me yet. I am a traditional photographer, started photography back in 2005.


And so, just really explored that for many, many years. In 2017, I started manipulating my photographs with just different techniques in the editing software, creating kaleidoscopes, creating kind of mandala-like shapes with using mirror edits and different color edits in those tools.


And so, starting in August of last year is when I brought AI into my photo manipulation technique. So, I just started taking photographs, using it as a base image, prompting it from there. And then my interest in the AI just grew and grew and grew, and I absolutely love to experiment with new tools. I will sign up for every new tool, check it out, see what’s going on. I’ve been recently playing around in Adobe Firefly, so that’s interesting to see how that happens and how that’s going to evolve. They have really kind of previewed a lot of tools they’re going to roll out, which are going to be helpful for artists, graphic designers, everybody’s tool set. So, that’s fantastic. You know, my passion lies in helping the community kind of connect on board, create, and grow. And so, that’s what I’m really here to kind of help bring about. I’m just so, so happy to be a part of this team.

YosemiteSean (26:17):

Now, well, you know, we’re very happy to have you here, and sorry about that, CK. I feel like I just jumped on top of you there if you want to give a warm welcome.

zkbrain.eth (26:25):

Oh, no, not at all. It’s all good. And those kind of items that you identified, colonial, it comes through in not only your messaging when you speak, but also in your work, just that role inclusive and being supportive. Like, those were just qualities that I think just absolutely gravitated the community here with you, and we’re so happy that you’re a part of it.

Kallenia (26:56):

Yeah, well, thank you. Yeah. I’m just getting started, you know, connecting with everybody, and I really want to hear some community feedback. I’m going to be working on some how-to videos to help everybody with various aspects of what we’re rolling out at Generative. So, if anybody has any ideas or tips or something that you’d like to hear about, we’d love to hear about it in Discord or Telegram. So, please let us know.

JoshGarlic.eth (27:23):

Yeah, I actually wanted to welcome you to Alinea. It’s been some weeks since we had you here on the stage. I’m so, so glad that you are now joining us as a resident artist. Also, I just pinned your latest open edition on Generative. The tweet is pinned here. So, everyone, we’re quite some people on this Twitter space, so I would ask you all to share both this space for other artists and Kalina’s work. Yeah, because community, it’s really important in spreading our message, and everyone’s art is also one of the main things we want to do here. So, yeah, I’m so glad to have you up here. Kalina, welcome.

Kallenia (28:14):

Yeah, thank you so much. I know it’s only been a couple of weeks since I was talking on the last artist space, and it’s just been a wonderful whirlwind since then. Thank you for pinning up the open edition. I just wanted to do something to kind of commemorate this time and the message of Generaitive and just put something fun out there just to celebrate community and recognizing everybody’s voice and contribution to AI art and where we’re going.

YosemiteSean (28:47):

Yeah, I see you’re mad about positive. Oh, sorry about that. Josh, go ahead there, man.

JoshGarlic.eth (28:51):

We were stepping. Sorry, man. Yeah, no, so you were talking about you. So you’re a photographer, and now you started experimenting with AI. So I would like to know how did AI shape your way of understanding and creating art? And also what do you expect from AI art combined with other disciplines in the coming months, years, since it’s like evolving really, really fast?

Kallenia (29:24):

Yeah, it’s evolving incredibly fast. Every week there’s like, oh my gosh, what, five to eight new products out there that you wanna try or you wanna see how it’s gonna incorporate. So it’s a great question. So I started experimenting with AI art because of an AI art contest, actually. And the first thing I did was take the technique that I was doing to create my photo kaleidoscopes and just apply that to a piece of AI art. So I was creating more very abstract pieces, and then I was manipulating them into the kaleidoscopes that I was talking about. So that’s how I started. But then once I saw all the possibilities of what could be created, it just opened up my imagination. I experimented with style, I experimented with colors, I experimented just as many ways as you could throughout a prompt, trying different models, trying different platforms. And that to me is the big joy of what we’re doing right now with AI art. It just can constantly create something new. You turn around and what you created a week ago is like, wow, I did that a week ago, but that felt like three months ago. And I mean, just the space is moving so quickly. It’s so funny to see, for instance, I have a AI piece that’s gonna be in NFT NYC, but I created it in November. And so then I’m seeing this piece that’s gonna be promoted now and I’m going, wow, I’ve done so much since that time.


And I think that’s how it is right now. We’re moving so fast. We want to be able to have that ability to kind of open up the possibilities as much as possible. I mean, that’s what decentralization is all about. Like, let’s welcome it all in, take it in and see where it’s gonna go. I think there’s a lot of things that are gonna change in the next probably, I would say year or so in the AI art space, as we see more and more of the mainstream platforms come on. So one thing that I would really, that I kind of wanna caution everybody about, and I brought this up before, is really learn how to create your prompts without referencing as much artist specific names. I have a feeling that as copyright stuff starts to come down and people get a little bit, maybe they’re concerned about the data sets going into some of it, AI platforms, that that might be an area where since we’re early now to learn how to prompt without referencing Picasso or things like that, eventually I have a feeling that that might start to go away or that might be kind of frowned upon. So that’s a big challenge. And I thought it was so interesting what Wizardly prompt said about having this big vision of, I can just see this bulletin board with all these terms on it. But really as an AI artist, you want to be learning some of those specific terms for your own art. So understanding brushstrobes, understanding photography, terminology, or whatever area of art you want to create it, having that data set of yourself for yourself to pull from it in your own prompt is gonna be huge. And then you can kind of put different combinations together and that’s where the fun experimentation is, I think.

YosemiteSean (32:41):

Now, definitely, definitely agree with that. And it looks like Josh may be speaking, but we’re not hearing him. But no, definitely agree with that. The, oh, he’s connecting, sorry there, ladies and gentlemen. But yeah, definitely agree with that. The creative outlets that really lets you kind of grow into is absolutely incredible. So you said that you were a traditional photographer and then moved into editing. So clearly you’ve gone through a bit of a progression with tech being a dominant, tech being adopted in the artistic space.


So would you say you feel AI is in line with that kind of natural progression and are you personally hoping to keep using that a bit more? I mean, I know you’re very much excited to do that in the future, but are you hoping to even expand upon what you’re currently doing, say with even potentially training your own models or focusing more on aspects such as becoming a prompt specialist like Jose earlier or like Wizardly earlier?

Kallenia (33:48):

Yeah, absolutely. So the first part of the question, yeah, I was around when Photoshop tools were really controversial, we’ll say. I mean, it’s much like the pushback we’re seeing with AI now. There was a time when you had to disclose if your photograph was raw, what edits were taken from it. And now that just seems like so silly. We have beautiful composite photographers. We have most people putting some type of editing in their photography. So it seems really silly, but when it first came out, absolutely it was like, this photo is raw. This photo had these three edits taken. So we’re kind of seeing that a lot right now with AI tools, people wanting you to disclose and kind of say what you did. And I think that’s fine. I think that is a natural progression. With any innovation, you’re gonna get kind of a mixture of response. You’re gonna get the fearful response, you’re gonna get the negative response, and then you’re gonna get the curious explorers that start to move the space forward. So I really consider myself to be one of those very curious people that like to explore all the new things. So yeah, absolutely am very motivated to learn how to create my own models. I’ve started at that process a little bit. I still have a lot to learn there. And I just want to explore as much as I can with everything this technology has to offer. I wanted to kind of jump in there.

zkbrain.eth (35:17):

It is kind of interesting speaking on the photography side. I feel like it would be like if somebody and I think the technique of double exposure photography goes all the way back to like the 1860s. And it’d just be interesting if that particular artist said, anybody who does any type of double exposure photography is ripping off my work. And maybe there was a point in time, if we’re talking going back to 1860, there was a point in time someone was like, hey, this is my process and this is my art style. But nobody would ever, you know, if someone produced something that looked like double exposure with Photoshop, nobody would even bat an eye or even think about, hey, you’re stealing someone’s art style. It’s just assumed that that would be like a tool set of, you know, something or some way that someone can express themselves. Yeah, exactly.

Kallenia (36:11):

You know, and same thing goes for like recreating, you know, a long exposure shot, which used to be a very specific kind of tool set in photography or in photography. Or astrophotography, things that are still considered to be very difficult in photography, but also a lot of people recreate it through composite work, through editing, things like that. So, you know, there is, I’m sure, probably behind closed doors, there’s probably some still people that are a little upset that maybe somebody kind of duplicated what they do, but that’s the way of art too. There is a lot of, I would call it, probably reference taken for things. And so I think we’re going to have a bit of back and forth with AI tools in that, where’s that line of reference? And you do see a lot of dialogue around that if you look out there for the negative pushback, that’s kind of where it comes from. Like, where’s the line of how much reference is drawn from this specific style, this specific movement, and those kinds of things.

zkbrain.eth (37:08):

And I absolutely love that mosaic or massive gradient between analog things and cutting, bleeding edge technology and digital, right? Like I can’t read a book from an ebook reader. Like I don’t own a Kindle, but, you know, I still like turning a page, but at the same time, you know, here we are working on AI and the cutting edge. So I think, you know, embracing both is always good.

Kallenia (37:38):

Yeah, absolutely. It’s so funny you mentioned that. I’m exactly the same with books. I cannot do the e-readers just, I don’t know what it is. I like the smell of the books. I like the feel of the books. I like to dog ear a page. You know, that’s so funny to have that dichotomy of like, there’s certain things that, yes, I just gravitate to in the analog world as well, and certain things that you want to be at the cutting edge of innovation technologically. So I found that pretty funny.

JoshGarlic.eth (38:03):

So, first of all, sorry about that. I was kicked in the middle of a question. So yeah, Kalina, I wanted to ask you, I see you’re the founder and curator of the Hue Gallery of Color. So I would like to know a little bit about that. So as you describe it on your official Twitter, I will pin it now, you’re gathering different artists from different countries, different art disciplines all together within the gallery. Would you like to speak a bit about it?

Kallenia (38:39):

Yes, I would love to speak about it. You know, for a few years up until coming over to Twitter, I was a curator for a really big photography community on Instagram.


And I wanted to get back into curation here within the NFT space. So I curated a world on foundation that pulls from, you know, I had an open call, I wanted to get as many different artists from different backgrounds as possible. And I think it’s important to showcase a wide variety of art altogether. So there’s photographers on there, there’s AI artists on there, there’s glitch artists, there’s painters, there’s a muralist. I mean, we have like a whole bunch of different styles covered. It was so interesting to me during my curation process cause I purely looked at the art. I didn’t look at how many followers somebody had. I didn’t, half the time I don’t even know who the person is or where they’re from because everybody’s anonymous, right? So you just have this nice PFP picture in the name and well, you know what? That person’s creating beautiful art.


And so by the time I got it all done, curated a group of people from 15 different countries. It’s actually about 60% women artists and about 40% male artists, at least of the profiles I know, sometimes I don’t know.


And across basically every time zone that there is. It’s an amazing, I think incredible curation all around the color yellow. So that’s what I had done in the past was curate around color. And I just love to showcase different techniques and how people can bring color into the story of the art. And it’s just been a blast doing that. Unfortunately, it’s not getting a lot of traction only because I think right now, some of that tradition or the art sales on there, they’re getting, there’s so many worlds going up like every day on foundation, it’s getting a bit buried, but so thank you for bringing it up. I love to draw attention to all the beautiful art that has been curated over there.

JoshGarlic.eth (40:48):

Yeah, absolutely. It’s a really, really nice initiative. And if you don’t mind, I would like to also ask, what are your future plans for the gallery?

Kallenia (40:59):

Well, yeah, right now I wanna try to focus at getting everybody’s sales, but my commitment long-term is to continue to do different color themes. So, for instance, we’ll just choose another color, might be one color, might be two colors. And I wanna continue with that simplicity because within that space of color, you get so much creativity. And so that’s what I wanna do is have a few of those features. Then I plan to try to roll out some type of events, secret sales and things like that as we get more momentum built up over there.

JoshGarlic.eth (41:34):

Well, that’s amazing. I will definitely look forward to that. Yeah, I just also wanted to send a reminder to people listening. We are going to buy art from listeners. So in our first pin tweet on this space, you can drop your art and you can definitely let your fellow artists know we are going to be buying. We’re also going to invite some artists to speak about their art, about their journey, to share their creations. Yeah, so please feel free to spread the word out there.

YosemiteSean (42:13):

Guys, please send in whatever art you’re looking to get collected into our comments there. We’ll be buying during this space. And we’re gonna invite up Nuwan to speak here, our most recent winner of one of the Generaitive prompt contests. So everybody give a hand for Nuwan for winning and for coming on up. So yeah, come on up there, Nuwan. We just sent you a speaker invite there, sir. And we’ll also be hearing from Wizardly World after and we’ll be shooting them a speaker invite as well.

Kallenia (42:48):

I just wanna say real quick that Nuwan was actually one of the artists in that Hue Gallery Yellow World. So yes, hello, sorry.

Nuwan Shilpa (42:58):

Yeah, so it’s been a great day, that’s for sure. Winning the sort of alien contest and it was like right up my alley. I was like super happy when I saw the sort of competition up as well. And it’s kind of like something that I’ve been sort of working on for quite a while. I’ve been generating so many, I guess, alien-ish figures. So that was great, yeah.


And it’s been a great journey with Generaitive as well. I remember when the platform, kind of like when you first started and the options to sort of generate work and now seeing the sort of negative prompt things and then also seeing, having control over the resolutions and kind of like the guidance scales and all that. So now that makes it like very exciting as well. So super looking forward to creating more art with it.


And right now I’m like working on something for the watery world, aquascape one as well. I’ve been kind of wrecking my brain here and there, trying to get something up for that as well. Hey, we love hearing you guys are participating

YosemiteSean (44:19):

in the competitions and you just brought up something there that honestly I don’t think I appreciate enough myself. The platform has grown absolutely incredibly since it first launched. I believe we had, I want to say between three and five models available on the platform when we launched.


We have now doubled that or over doubled that. We have now doubled that and we have now doubled that or over doubled that, we have many more abilities with specifically manipulating how you want your file to come out, such as the big new one negative prompts. So yeah, definitely amazing to hear, especially from one of the artists using the platform. It’s something that even I don’t think about enough and I’m sure the entire team appreciates hearing that that’s noticed. So thank you for sharing that there and very excited to see what you end up putting in for the Watery Worlds competition there.

Nuwan Shilpa (45:11):

Yeah, for sure, sure. Yeah, like I’ve been sort of generating most of my stuff. I’m primarily my work, like I use like stable diffusion because it’s, I’ve been running it locally for a while now. So, but like, I really like the fact that like now the platform itself is like coming up with so many sort of models and you know, like the controls are getting more and more so that allows me to sort of try to sort of shift towards perhaps exclusively kind of using Generaitive platform for the submissions as well. That’s something that I’m looking at and it’s pretty good that way because I feel like it’s also like learning another language in a way, like I’ve gotten so used to my stable diffusion setup. Sometimes I can’t get the kind of, I mean, similar results on generative, but then I just, you know, like realign myself and start to sort of rewrite some of the prompts. Then I get closer to sort of my vision. So yeah, so it’s been like polishing up my skills like crazy. So that’s something I’m really happy about as well.

YosemiteSean (46:24):

No, definitely, definitely agree with that. You know, that’s something that has even hit me too. You know, I’d say on the platform stable diffusion is probably my favorite model. And, you know, I’ve done a pretty good job with that, but it’s like speaking another language when I try out some of those other models. It’s really, really interesting and really cool, you know, how differently everything works and how Generaitive allows you to actually experiment with all of those different models and just different abilities in one place. So, you know, thanks for sharing that there. You know, it’s really cool to, really cool to hear from you a bit more and, you know, again, congratulations on winning the contest. We’re happy to have you here.

Nuwan Shilpa (47:01):

Oh yeah, and shout out to Kalenia also for being like another resident artist. And I have one of my pieces on the Hue Gallery of Color world as well. You know, like that’s a super colorful space to say the least, you know.

YosemiteSean (47:21):

Hey, we love a small world and, you know, we love seeing artists appreciate each other, you know, give them some love. So yeah, that’s great to see, you know, awesome to see that, you know, Kalenia, just getting started with the team and already making big waves and have already previously made big waves. So, you know, that’s awesome to hear. We also have Wizardly World ready to speak here. If they want to come on up, we’ve got an invitation sent out to you. Yeah, I just want to say a new one.

JoshGarlic.eth (47:47):

It’s really, really great to hear your voice. We’ve been in touch for a long, long time now on Twitter. I’m really glad to see you using the platform to see you getting sales on the platform. So yeah, thank you very much for coming up here to speak.

YosemiteSean (48:06):

Yeah, thank you so much, man. I’m a little worried that Wizardly Worlds might be having some technical difficulties in the future. Now, I believe, and I don’t mean to put you on the spot here, but I believe Ashu slash Ashwini, you might be familiar with their work. Did you want to potentially say a few words on their behalf? On visits?

Ashwini Dodani (48:24):

Yeah. I think she should be able to come, but I don’t know if there’s an issue with the device. Okay, she’s mentioned on Telegram. But yeah, I think she should be able to come. No, I think I just-

YosemiteSean (48:36):

Yeah, there’s some issues with me, but we’ve got an invite, so they might be able to jump in.

Ashwini Dodani (48:42):

Yeah, I think she would be the best person to share her experience. But from what I know, and I’ve been listening from her on a one-to-one basis, is that she’s very happy with the contest, the feature. A couple of things that she had mentioned in the last core AMA is the low-hanging food features about the collection, deletion, et cetera. But otherwise, she is constantly inspired to create something every single day because of the vibe in the community and the amount of things that we have been doing.


I think she’s also bringing a couple of friends every single time with new themes and contests that are going on. So I think more or less that is what I would suppose, but if she can make up to the stage, that would be great. But always happy to be there for friends. I have a couple of friends who I know and a couple of friends I’ve made from the Generaitive collaboration and discords and TGs, and that is very good to see.


I see Dirk in the listeners, Z and Wizard, all the time active and supporting the community. Piduha is one of the great artists that I see every single day. There’s Lady Oya, there’s Sanzila. I just was going through the thread of the art as well, so I see a lot of great submissions. Dami is here, Dami is super active. They’re there in the listeners, Arash is here. So great, great, great community. I think that is a step ahead in the right direction that we will want to know more about what the Generaitive team is trying to do here and want to listen from the team and from the artists of what their experience is. So I think this is real good growth that we are also growing in terms of listeners on the space and members on the Telegram and Discord. And I’m absolutely obsessed with Jose’s art with prompts and the way ZK and Jose had the first round of conversation about prompt engineering. So I think Jose’s art is just insane that I see on Discord every single day. So there’s so much to learn from the community. And I think this value is something that money cannot buy, but just being active around and connecting with people and seeing what their strength is and how they can help and how we can all help each other. I think that is the most beautiful part of any active and thriving community and everything else will come with it.

YosemiteSean (51:15):

Yeah, no, that’s definitely a nice sentiment and 1000% agree. I also wanted to give you a shout out there for giving those words on a wizard’s behalf, just because there was a message in the Telegram. Unfortunately, they’re having some technical difficulties. So you were their voice there. Thank you very much for that. I’m sure it’s appreciated. And another reminder for everybody, make sure you’re throwing your art in the comments of our space. Art is being bought and being collected as we speak. So thank you all for sharing your work. And yeah, I wanted to just take a minute here cause I didn’t have a chance to just go crazy about it earlier, but whoa, 150 pieces listed a day. That’s an insane number. Thank you guys. Absolutely killing it on the platform. Honestly, that beat my expectations. So yeah, pretty pumped about that. Thank you guys. Killing it, you’re killing it with the contest. We’re seeing tons there, seeing tons of actual, just free made art in the middle of that too. Clearly people just actually having fun on the platform. So absolutely amazing to see. So I wanted to just give you guys all like a little bit of love and a big shout out just for having a fun time on it and using the platform for what it’s built for.


Now with that, I believe we actually might have one question here. I wanna move on to highlight some art buys and all that in a minute here, but I believe we’ve got a question here. Don’t mind, would you like to come up here?

JoshGarlic.eth (52:53):

Yeah, actually I see a lot of artists within the listeners and community members. So you are all more than welcome to come up here and speak for a while about yourselves, about your art, about generative. So feel free to request, absolutely.

Dopemind (53:17):

Hi everyone. I’ll take opportunity to maybe speak a little bit about my friend Jose here.


Cause I’m really happy for him to be joining your platform, your community. He’s a super guy and I think we’ve been, you know, having conversations like for quite some time, like maybe a month and I’ve seen his development, his curiosity, like to learn and literally in front of my eyes, like every day he surprises me with new prompts and we go back and forth. What about this? What about that? And he comes up with the solution for every single approach, like a visual approach you can imagine in every possible style. So I’m constantly blown away by his skills and I think he’s just scratching the surface here because his strongest side is I believe like the research behind all he does and how he connects all the dots of all different platforms, like in AI spectrum, whether it’s Generaitive platforms or chat GP4 already now that can be, you know, put into work and just help with generally, possibly everything coming together with ideas, with, you know, with new structures of prompting. So Jose is the guy that I’ll be looking up to and I don’t know much about the platform, so I’ll chat with him later and ask him about, you know, what you guys are doing because there’s, the time up here is kind of limited and, you know, I’m an artist, so I try to focus on, you know, I try to focus on doing my own thing. I use AI to generate, to generate art, have some art on my own, you know, already up there, some things I like, I use a lot of mid journey, but currently I switched back to stable diffusion because of the raw qualities that it has and experimental, you know, side of it. I’ve been following a little bit of post photography posts and, you know, mid journey is great, amazing, it’s beautiful, it’s stunning, but the mistakes, the glitches, the imperfections you can get with stable diffusions are incomparable. So I’m kind of back where I started because I started on stable diffusion, now I’m back on stable diffusion from mid journey and I’m really happy that Jose is joining you guys and he’ll be training models, possibly, he will help me to train my own models. So yeah, currently I’m working on a new collection using stable diffusion, it is like my trip around the world with the camera and I’m following, you know, all different social movements, all uprisings, all revolutionary movements around the world. I focus a little bit on Africa because it has, you know, like a place in my heart. So probably in next week, maybe two weeks, I’ll show you guys some work and it’s stunning what you can do. I mean, I’m finishing already, thank you for your time, but like if you like to make photos and you always wanted to make photos and suddenly, well, I can go to fucking Congo and I can shoot those kids, you know, the soldier kids that I’ve been kind of reading about or I’ve been obsessed about, whatever, and you’re down there and you’re shooting those photos and like how realistic they can look, it’s up to you and your prompting skills. So big up to everyone, respect for what you guys are doing. You are the pioneers, we are the pioneers and how cliche it fucking sounds, we all gonna make it because we are so early and all those skills right here are so valuable like someone said, beyond money, because one day people from the real world, our friends will come up to us and they will like, hey, what is this prompting? I need to prompt because the whole world will be about prompting. Like there is no way back, AI will be not only ours, but it will be, since you wake up till you go to sleep, it will be AI. So whether you hate it or you love it, you have to learn it because if you don’t learn it, you will be in this huge amount of people who will be like technically illiterate and that is slavery. If you don’t know how to deal with technology right now in 2023, in 2025 or 2030, you might be, sorry to say that, like a slave, like dependent on people who will be like delivering you services. So we are our own masters and big up to everyone, much love and keep on going.

zkbrain.eth (58:46):

That is very insightful. I completely agree with that, 1,000%. If you’re not scaling up and getting prepared for this massive AI change, it’d be the equivalent of not knowing how to use a smartphone right now. It’s just, it’s so integrated into our lives and it’s part of everyone’s career and the ability to kind of like operate. So yeah, I do agree with that wholeheartedly.

Dopemind (59:18):

And it’s surprising how fast it all happened. Like all folks that have been telling us that it won’t happen in our lifetime, suddenly the bum-bum in the last like a year, all this new technologies, like they’re just racing and they’re all over the place. So things happen fast and somebody said that we’re living in this age of exponential growth and as technology advances, this growth will just get like faster and faster. And my only problem is like how to follow all this and actually the community and what you guys are doing.


Those are the important links and like these platforms where we’ll be, maybe we’ll get some streamlined ways like assisted by AI, that AI will assist us in learning all the things like, for example, you’re like, this is what I need to follow.


My AI assistant helped me in that because suddenly we’re in the zone when it’s almost like impossible to be everywhere because you have to divide. We have only 24 hours a day. So yeah, I’m looking forward to this day when AI will assist us in like, okay, this is your plan to follow the technology because yeah, that’s for self.

YosemiteSean (01:00:41):

No, definitely awesome to hear you share that, man. I was expecting a question when you came up and you instead came up and gave praise to another artist and really talk about your experience with the technology and the art. And honestly, I couldn’t be any happier. That’s great to hear, always awesome to see some appreciation for other artists and other members of the community. And also to hear that you’re a little more interested in Generaitive now and seeing what it can do for you. Yeah, don’t ever hesitate to shoot any of us a message if you want any help getting set up or have any questions, the whole team’s happy to help.


But I just wanted to take a second to point out that during all our conversations here, not only did ZK collect two pieces, but our other resident artists, Ashu also collected a piece during that time. So, huge ups to the team. Oh, okay, and we got another one, I’m so sorry. I’m falling behind guys, but we got some great collecting going on here. Big shout out to all the artists in the community from the team and we’re really here to support you guys, just like you guys are supporting us through using the technology. So, we’re thankful that you guys have all come out here. And then, yeah, huge, huge shout out to ZK and to Ashu for collecting there. ZK has been an absolute driver behind this community, not only a huge proponent and creator of the technology, but also a huge proponent of artists and art itself. So, that’s definitely appreciated and definitely has a lot of ripples through the community. You guys might’ve crossed this path before and not even known it, might’ve been collected from a months ago and had no idea, but ZK has been out here for a while supporting and it’s great to see that a bit of a community rally around that and recognize it.


But yeah, big shout out again to the guys for collecting some art there and shout out to everybody for coming into the space today. I wanna take the chance to start wrapping things up here, but while we’ve got a minute or do any of the speakers wanna take a second to give any last words, any last thoughts to the community before we sign off until the next one here, guys. Josh, I’m looking at you. You better say something.

JoshGarlic.eth (01:02:54):

Hello, is it me then? Yeah, no, I just wanna say a couple of things. So, before we wrap up, I think we have Luna Girl waiting to say some words here. So, if we could send her an invite.

YosemiteSean (01:03:08):


JoshGarlic.eth (01:03:11):

We’ll give her an invite here. All right. And then also, I would like to make a call to action. So, we are a sort of new project. We are spreading the word out there. We’re pushing updates. We’re growing our community, but every help, every word you spread, every artist you reach out to, everyone you tell anything about Generaitive does help, not just us, but also you all, also the Generaitive space. So, yeah, I would like to ask you all to share the news, share our progress, share your experiences with Generaitive and just keep working together. Yeah.


Luna, you’re here. How are you?

Luna girl (01:03:60):

Hi, Josh. Hi, everyone. I’m fine. How are you, Josh?

JoshGarlic.eth (01:04:07):

I’m very, very, very good. Yeah. I think you have some latest works you want to speak about, right?

Luna girl (01:04:16):

Yeah, I actually have some works I generated a few days ago. So, let me share some. Actually, the other one I shared, I had this issue like the last time where I mint a work and then it appears like it is for free. So, I don’t know how to tackle that issue yet. So, I’ll share another one. Oh my God, how is this different tone?

JoshGarlic.eth (01:04:46):

I’m looking at your profile now, trying to pin it up here in the call. If you want to send me ADM with the artworks, I can pin it myself for you.

Luna girl (01:04:56):

Okay, let me do that.

JoshGarlic.eth (01:04:59):

Yeah. In the meantime, you can, yeah.

Luna girl (01:05:01):

I actually figured it out. Can you guys see it?

YosemiteSean (01:05:11):

Yep, I see it up there. Yep, yep, yep.

Luna girl (01:05:14):

Okay. Actually, I know how to express myself. So, I’ll just talk about the app. I’ll just talk about the whole website and stuff like that, which like I said, it is actually very easy to use. It gives you what you, how do I put this? I’m sorry, my English is not my first language. So, it is hard to think what’s to say. Sorry, now take your time.


It is quite easy to use. And I find it very fascinating. Like I said, I’m fascinated by AI because I’m an artist. Like I draw and stuff like that. And the fact that it takes a long time for me to draw and then I can literally just put in my thoughts and then like it generates what I want, makes it actually impressive for me. So, that is why I can’t even remember the last time I actually drew something since I found out about AI, I have been using because it is fun.


I can just imagine something and just, okay, let me just put it down and see what I can get. Sometimes I don’t even do it to post. I just do it to see if my imagination and whatever I get is the same. So, it is actually fun and I love using AI for stuff.

YosemiteSean (01:06:51):

Now, probably the reason why I love it as well, you can just put your thoughts into the AI. I find myself just talking to it as if it’s a person and put it in there and see your imagination come to life.

Luna girl (01:07:03):

So, definitely. Yeah, and then it comes out the way you actually want it to. That’s a bonus.

YosemiteSean (01:07:09):

Exactly. I’ve been honestly amazed with it. I would have been shocked to see what even I’m getting out of AI and just to imagine that these people like O.J. who are actually particularly skilled with it, I’ve been seeing their art in the community Discord and been absolutely floored and just insane what kind of range you can get. So, thank you for mentioning that because that’s definitely a huge part of what I personally love about this platform and AI. So, yeah, Steve, if you would ask me if you is a good plugin

Luna girl (01:07:39):

to get something like this, I would say no. But then this is actually fun. So, thank you for this.

YosemiteSean (01:07:54):

No problem. We’re happy to have you up here and thank you for supporting and using the platform and technology. We’re always happy to hear about artists and just everyone using it. So, it’s great to have you up here in the community. It’s great to have you up here and thank you for speaking to the community.

Luna girl (01:08:07):

No, thank you for having me.

YosemiteSean (01:08:10):

Well, ladies and gentlemen, on that one there, do any of the other speakers wanna share any parting thoughts before we wind things down now that we’ve celebrated some amazing art buys by ZK and by Ashu?

JoshGarlic.eth (01:08:27):

I would just like to remind everyone that we have our daily contest running at the moment, which is Watery Worlds or Aquascapes. I think it gives a lot of room for imagination. So, yeah, all the details about it is spent on our official telegram. So, jump in there and start submitting your entries.

YosemiteSean (01:08:53):

Yeah. As Josh said there, we’re running our daily contest. Please get in there. We love seeing the community come out for it and just the insane range of what you guys are submitting. As he also said there, there’s a lot of wiggle room with this prompt. We would like to purposely leave a little room for you guys to go pretty crazy with it. We wanna see you guys surprise us, shock us and just come up with some insane stuff. So, we’re excited to see what you do. Definitely jump in there. You’ve got a chance to win 0.1 E worth of prizes every day. So, that’s absolutely amazing. We’d love to see you guys come out. And then also, just back to what Josh had said earlier, we’re all about community here. You ever see any of the other Generaitive artists posting about anything, give them a like, give them a retweet, give some support to the actual Generaitive post too. We’re all here to help each other and the platform’s growing every day to be able to let you guys do even more. So, thank you guys. And just remember to help each other and give each other some love. It’s definitely a great time. And oh my gosh, we got another buy. Okay.


Well then, we just got another buy from Luna herself. Sorry, a buy from Luna by ZK, I should say. But yeah, congratulations Luna.

Luna girl (01:10:08):

Hi guys. I just want to say thank you for buying this. Like, thank you for believing in me. Like, I wasn’t expecting this. Thank you so much.

JoshGarlic.eth (01:10:22):

I just wanted to say it’s such an impressive artwork. It’s so, so good Luna. I really love it. So, congratulations.

Luna girl (01:10:34):

Thank you so much, Josh. And thanks everyone.

YosemiteSean (01:10:38):

No, no problem at all. You know, well-deserved sale and well-deserved sales to all the artists who have pieces picked up. Don’t worry if you guys didn’t have any pieces picked up in this space. We’ll be doing more community spaces in the future. And we’re always looking out for art on the platform. So, we’re excited to see what else you guys make. Keep crafting, keep working on your prompts, keep experimenting with new models and really play with everything Generaitive has to offer. We’re excited to see what you guys think and what you guys can do. And never hesitate to give us a shout out if you have any ideas or suggestions for the platform. We’re always happy to hear from the community. So, big reminder, follow the Generaitive page, join our Discord, join our Telegram, participate in those daily contests and remember to give each other some love. We’re all here to help the community and we’re all having a pretty good time, I gotta say. So, definitely enjoy it, get out there and give each other some love.


Well, on that note, ladies and gentlemen, I think we’re gonna wind things down here. Thank you so much for coming out today. We’re happy to be able to share some more information with you and introduce some more members of our community to everybody. I know it was a great time. And, whoa, 150 pieces listed a day, that’s insane. Yeah, all right. Well, see you guys. Thank you so much for coming out to the Generaitive Community Artists Series and we’ll see you next time. Oh, sorry, Josh. Go ahead there, man. Say some goodbyes.

JoshGarlic.eth (01:11:58):

I just wanted to copy your words. Whoa, 150 pieces per day. Yeah, I just wanted to thank everyone for showing up here and just say, see you in the next one.

YosemiteSean (01:12:11):

Yeah, see you in the next one, guys. Thank you so much for coming out.

Ashwini Dodani (01:12:16):

Take care, thank you.

Video Description

Recording of the Generaitiv Community Twitter Spaces where the team talks with the artists on the platform, welcoming the new resident artist Kallenia. Also ZK talks about prompt engineering and selling prompts on the Generaitiv platform as NFTs. Recorded on 28th March 2023.

Speakers: YosemiteSean (Community Manager): JoshGarlic.eth (Community Manager): zkbrain.eth (Co-Founder): Jose Fernández | Wizardly.Ai: Ashu (Resident Artist) : Kallenia (Kaleidoscope): Luna girl: Dopemind:

Generaitiv Links: Website: Twitter: Telegram: Discord:

Whitepaper: Buy $GAI on Uniswap: $GAI Chart:

Generaitiv is a community-driven AI platform built to empower AI contributors. $GAI will power the largest, public, and decentralized AI computing network in the world. The Generaitive AI blockchain at a protocol level will initially launch as an L1 Ethereum token. $GAI will be used to incentivize GPU computing power to the network. $GAI has the potential to become one of the best AI tokens of 2023.


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