

Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present.

zkbrain.eth (00:00):

Hey there, I am ZK, honored to be selected by the UNCX team to speak. Before I get started, I wanted to give a huge shout out to the team. Web3 is big on like calls, influencers, but UNSCx, like they put this on for like AI projects without asking for a single guay. They’ve been pivotal to our initial launch.


The token locker services helped us build trust with our early community development. So besides the services, I have mad respect for the UNSCx team and being so genuine. So thanks so much, Karina. So I’m co-founder of a project called Generaitive. At Generaitive, we believe that AI should be open source, work for its creators, and is free from censorship. Our reason for being is to provide the necessary economic systems to incentivize others to develop along our belief.


What I mean by this is all of the different components that go into AIs should have economic systems behind them. One way to counter the monolithic proprietary systems is with an open modular approach. I’ll break that down into five simple pieces. The data set, training of the AI models, running of the models, and the model inputs and outputs. At Generaitive, we’re well on our way to proving our thesis only three months since launch. We currently have a platform and an ecosystem that is live.


With that, I’d like to highlight four economic systems of Generaitive. The launch of these systems is now poised to disrupt the rapidly expanding Web 2.0 AI industry. We are releasing an industry-first model royalty feature in a number of days. This is important because Civit AI has over 10 pentabytes of AI models being downloaded since their launch. Those works are currently not being compensated properly with no avenues to do so until now. I encourage everyone to read up on the recent Fantasy AI incident and licensing behind that. This segment is a huge opportunity for us.


Secondly, we also released our white paper on distributed AI compute last week and has received an overwhelming response. This network will utilize XS or IO GPU computing capacity and allow nodes to process AI compute jobs. It currently costs OpenAI $700,000 a day to operate ChatGPT. The global artificial intelligence market is valued at $23 billion USD and is projected to reach 422 billion by 2029. We will capture a percentage of this with the utility of Generaitive Token and Art Network. Third, Prompt Engineering. It’s an emerging profession with salaries ranging from $175,000 to $335,000 per year. Prompt Engineering is an emerging profession with salaries ranging from $175,000 to $335,000 per year.


There are Web2 solutions such as PromptBase right now that allow users to sell prompts on their platform with Fiat. The problem with this is once the prompt is purchased, the actual prompt is revealed, which could be consolidated and resold with zero attribution to the original creator. Generaitive has already made inroads in their industry first, Prompt Masking will be available for Generaitive Token holders. With Web3, we are able to cryptographically secure the usage of a Prompt Engineer’s work while they’re providing their services to creators.


Lastly, the outputs. Our platform is live and a growing ecosystem. Currently, AI art can be created for free. The NFTs can be lazy minted with no cost to the creators. AI art in 2022 is estimated at $10.79 billion, projected to hit $118 billion by 2032. I’m confident in saying that we are the largest AI specific NFT marketplace in the space right now.


In conclusion, these four items are not roadmap items, but long or long-term project visions. These are economies that are verifiable on chain by our smart contracts, and the platform is up and running and ready to use at right now. As a project, we also believe in project transparency. Since launch, we have provided the community with weekly updates, and we’ve also listened to feedback from our community, have already onboarded 16 open source AI models. I have some additional project stats. We’re happy to announce that we just passed 100,000 images generated today.


It’s important because this fuels the AI compute jobs for a distributed network. We have also crossed the 41 ETH mark in volume transaction on our platform. This can be verified, as I mentioned, on our smart storefront contract on chain, and that number is important because I’m also confident that it’s one of the largest in our AI NFT category at the moment.


The volume is important, as it’s a part of our economic design with staking, which we’ll launch in a few weeks. So I call upon anyone that hasn’t visited our platform yet to come and create with us. AI art is only the beginning for us, and we’ll be expanding our open source AI offerings. There’s no cost currently except for your imagination. Generaitive, come check it out. Hashtag G-A-I. We’re on DEX tools.

Video Description

Recording of the $GAI pitch where Generaitiv co-founder zkBrain talks about the project. The recording was part of the UNCX AI Project Showcase Twitter spaces which was broadcastet live from Consensus 2023 crypto event.

cob analyst (Co-Founder):

Generaitiv Links: Website: Twitter: Telegram: Discord:

Whitepaper: Buy $GAI on Uniswap: $GAI Chart:

Generaitiv is a community-driven AI platform built to empower AI contributors. $GAI will power the largest, public, and decentralized AI computing network in the world. The Generaitive AI blockchain at a protocol level will initially launch as an L1 Ethereum token. $GAI will be used to incentivize GPU computing power to the network. $GAI has the potential to become one of the best AI tokens of 2023.


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