

Disclaimer: The transcript that follows has been generated using artificial intelligence. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but minor errors and slightly off timestamps may be present.

YosemiteSean (00:00):

All right there we go fellas welcome to the generative community space you know we’ve just been having a pretty good time vibing with you guys in the telegram and all that we wanted to give you guys an opportunity to get to know the team a bit more while we’re approaching stage one launch. How are you guys doing? You guys doing well? Oh man we’re doing great and good to hear you guys are too. Sorry Cobb didn’t mean to interrupt you there. Just wanted to say hey Christopher you’re pretty active in TG thanks for coming out.

zkbrain.eth (00:24):

Yeah thanks Christopher you’ve been super super you know helpful for us so yeah big big shout out to you man.

Christopher (00:37):

Yeah no problem you know unfortunately yesterday I wasn’t able to to make things happen you know but I’m confident that you know as time goes on you know and we have more opportunities for increased volume you know things can definitely things can definitely happen guys. Oh yeah no we’re definitely feeling good we’re real optimistic

YosemiteSean (00:58):

I mean you know we’ve got you know plans that we’re pretty we’re feeling pretty excited about you know some unique stuff we really think we’re going to be able to shake things up a bit and you know also just provide a new take on something that you know people are paying a lot of attention to so you know really looking forward to that and what you guys will be thinking about stage one and all the other stages after.

Christopher (01:21):

Yeah guys yeah I really think the platform is you know pretty much a first mover you know it’s a pretty unique opportunity. You know so I’ve kind of got like a like a fire lit under me you know because I’m I when I’m involved in projects I kind of I don’t rely on the the team or the devs at all because it’s you know it’s on on the investors it’s on the community as well to like get their own identity you know and nine times out of ten you know usually when I’m involved in a project I usually fall into that that slot and it’s it’s good you know because we we have a solid foundation you know we got a solid you know we got a solid you know opportunity here to provide a path provide a direction for the space you know and and since we’re we’re first to move you know it’s it’s a it’s important to me as a member of the community and to make sure that we’re also the first to market you know what I mean so like that and I think the community has like a responsibility you know I’ll let you guys conduct this space but I just wanted to to kind of set the tone early with the community you know because

zkbrain.eth (02:44):

I feel like that’s important. Definitely and and I’m just shocked by the community that came out you know we we spent basically nothing on promotion like we spent the.4 on the devs tools social update I I honestly can’t figure out how you guys found us like we just did stealth launch didn’t really do much on twitter I restarted with like 20 followers it’s just been been incredible.

Christopher (03:12):

Yeah I actually so I’m connected to my scope of my angle of how I approach things is I have a certain criteria for projects when they when they launch and I can just look at a at a setup and I can look at the if on ether scan you can see you can so like it’s not a hundred percent guaranteed but you can guess the intent of a team and the devs by how they put the transactions when they deploy the contract and then you know certain things you know like like the amount of liquidity that a project starts with versus you know you know the speed in which they they update socials the fact that you know you’re covering all bases you know and you have a you have really good branding it’s it’s it’s really great you know and you have a you have really good branding it shows that you know that there’s been time put into this there’s just a few things that check my boxes and that’s what that’s one thing for me at least that’s how I found because you check the boxes you have the branding you have the first mover utility the intent is you know I feel like the intent is pure with the way I handled the launch and how you guys deployed the contract and the order in which you deployed everything so for me I can tell a lot about you know a team and a project just by those things so you know that’s that’s really how I got here and then you know when I got here you know I’m going to reach out to others you know that that I’m involved with and they’re going to come here because this is a liquidity haven as well yeah definitely thank you for the kind words I mean

zkbrain.eth (05:05):

Yosemite Sean you want to really let’s get into it I mean let’s talk more about the vision what we’re building kind of the problems with the current business models of generative AI and what we want to change there yeah I mean you know there’s there’s a lot of stuff we’re trying to

YosemiteSean (05:24):

shake up and obviously you know that different features being rolled out at different points in our roadmap but you know what one of the big things are really the main thing we’re trying to tackle is just that you know that AI in in general is a massive industry you know multi-billion dollar industries you know you guys have seen in the news and in our materials and all that and you know obviously there’s a lot of people making money to build this but there’s also a much larger number of people being the users who are contributing to this and helping grow the technology simply by using it and you know there’s a lot of value that’s going uncaptured by those people who are actually contributing to it and we’re trying to you know take as many steps as we can to start circulating that back to the users so you know one of our first steps being you know something we’re really proud of which is the AI model royalties so you know actually providing a mechanism to provide a return to creators who are training AI models and helping actually directly improve AI and provide more utility for users think about how crazy

zkbrain.eth (06:26):

this is guys like companies like open AI stability AI what they’ve basically done and there’s there’s the lawsuits to prove it we’ll see how that goes they’ve scraped the internet of every image from every artist that’s been publicly available and they’ve they’ve trained something off of it they have open source and release it out there but those artists are they can’t even know for sure whether their works been included in it but there’s just no chance that them seeing any type of compensation or any type of proceeds from any art that’s that’s made from that and you know when we saw that we said you know what there’s got to be a different way there’s got to be a better way there’s there’s just no incentive for an artist to say yes I want my art to be included in these AI models or maybe I want to make my own AI model based on the work that I’ve produced over my career you’ve got people out there who’ve been making art for for 30 years and they could potentially make something out of that make a model and have in a way of monetizing that this this way of this business model of developing an AI model doesn’t exist exactly so you know taking taking you know a unique approach to

YosemiteSean (07:40):

you know an industry that sorely needs a little bit more equity and a little bit more appeal for the actual you know people providing the source material you know we really think we’re going to have you know a great chance to shake things up here and actually provide you know a meaningful and large change to the space.

zkbrain.eth (08:02):

And that’s just one part of it the other big problem we’re hearing from AI artists is like how do they actually make their own model right how do they go through and do that it is you know it’s got to be to a point where you don’t need a computer science degree to do that the tooling is getting better but it needs to be decentralized and open we want anybody who wants to make a model be able to do so. And you know not that we believe Web3 is the answer for everything but if you want to sell thousands of images or potentially you know distribute funds to thousands of people who contributed to something Web3 and blockchain is really one of the best ways to do that right now.

Christopher (08:46):

I just wanted to say also another angle is you know there’s there’s so much extra there’s there’s millions and millions AI generated artists that are that are coming to fruition now because of the current events and they’re all and they weren’t there before like six months ago three months ago there’s hundreds of millions of images and NFTs and collections being generated with this technology that wasn’t there three months ago six months ago so you know it’s uncharted territory you know and it’s also like a like an opportunity for you know like representation for you know all these because there’s there’s no there’s no foundation there’s no you know they don’t have a direction there’s no light you know in their tunnel to guide them you know so that there’s also that angle as well I feel you know this is definitely on the subject for sure.

zkbrain.eth (09:52):

And I think in the in the long run doing things in open source fashion will win you know mid journey some of you may have may have heard of they are right now probably the number one for producing fantastic images but they’re totally closed source so we don’t know what they’re actually doing with what training set they’ve used to produce this you know there’s a team of 11 people currently mid journey that is and you know when you open up something like that the goal of producing a high fidelity model you open up to anybody who can contribute to it and anybody can get paid monetarily for doing so that model wins in the long run what we’ll see it won’t happen right away it’ll take some time but what we’ll see is the open source community will eat that business model and we’ll have a better way of training these open source models and beat out the kind of closed source corporate competition.


And they need the infrastructure to do that.

Community Member #1 (11:02):

I’ve been busy IRL stuff but does not stop me from this exciting refreshing idea and business model you’re pulling out and I’m excited to see the venture and I’ve talked to a lot of big people around the space that aren’t really that don’t really surround themselves with AI but they have a good headway of you know they have a good knowing of the space and it’s refreshing like this idea is refreshing it’s new definitely uncharted territory but I think you have really you have a good team behind it so far that what I’ve seen and that price will just keep going up for the moment and I’m excited to see how this develops you know this is definitely not like a sprint it’s like more of a but as so forth it’s going pretty well and I’m excited to see how this moves forward and how people we get to see the actual like you know people’s tweets of like wow I just got royalties off this like that’s gonna be like I feel like that would be like the icing on the cake when you start getting that feedback from creators that are actually getting what they’re owed in a sense you know.

zkbrain.eth (12:07):

Right now they’re getting the big fat nothing so those first payouts it’ll be they’ll love it it’ll be sweet for them.

Community Member #1 (12:14):

Yeah but regardless we’re thinking more future in the future long term.

zkbrain.eth (12:22):

Exactly and I think you have to right there’s a lot of projects that are short term they’re pump and dump and they’re not really building you know as I was saying the infrastructure the kind of operating systems that are required to really support a product and a new business model.

Community Member #1 (12:40):

Yeah and I mean I’ve been you know me I’ve been in many projects here and there and there’s a difference between having something that’s similar to others it’s very difficult to veer from the pack but having something like this generative AI you know this is gonna be this is something new as long as you we keep firm on this it’s gonna do great because there’s nothing else to really compete on it’s on its own level and you can really do what you want with it so as long as this community keeps going strong bro it’s gonna be great.

zkbrain.eth (13:11):

Thank you sir.

Christopher (13:13):

I wanted to I wanted to also say you know that’s a great point you know and with the future in mind not just art you know this is a perfect platform and foundation to build on you know and build a whole branching winding ecosystem you know and the branches of the tree you know if you make that foundation wide you can you can account for other things you know that are just aren’t affiliated because you know the way that people are monetizing music you know and videos and you know there’s more you can AI generate you know TV shows and music videos and certain beats and stuff and people are monetizing it you know via you know DeFi and they’re incorporating decentralized aspects to these art forms and you know there’s no representation so this is like I think this is this is what a lot of people have been you know looking for it and you know once this actually gets in front of the people you know they’re not going to think twice about you know incorporating themselves into the project.


You know potentially you can see you know once the platform is up I can easily see you know key figures and key movers in that space incorporating and informing partnerships with the marketplace and with the platform easily just because of you know what it covers because it’s kind of like you know I’m you know I’m trying to be realistic here but in the future you know the way things have been going with the current pace in my eyes it’s realistic.

zkbrain.eth (15:07):

AI is moving incredibly incredibly quickly for sure. It’s wild like and you’re right this does go into other forms of media you know on a roadmap we want to do video we want to do text we want to do music and combinations of you know any combination of those as well for a real multimedia AI experience. But really you know empowering these creators to make models and monetize them is going to be where it’s at.

YosemiteSean (15:41):

Well with that there is anybody want to come up and say hello to the team ask any other questions or you know just tell us how much you love the project.

JoshGarlic.eth (15:54):

Actually I will I will say hello to everyone else. Hi friends I’m Josh but you can call me garlic. Yeah if anyone wants to raise their hand and ask us anything we’re here.

YosemiteSean (16:08):

Thank you Josh. I love your your garlicky breath.

Christopher (16:13):

Yeah I have a couple of questions. How long have you guys been you know thinking about you know this project and this platform how long have you guys known each other and what are some of the like the motivations behind this.

zkbrain.eth (16:28):

Sure I’ll take that. We’ve been thinking about. This particular we wanted we knew we wanted to do something in generative AI and synthetic media for quite some time. It wasn’t really until late 2022 that we realized the flaw with the current model. The current business model and then hence the need for producing this.


Terms of knowing each other. Myself and ZK we’ve known each other IRL for almost 10 years. We’ve worked on many things in Web 2 and Web 3. Of course it’s been quite a quite a journey through the NFT space through meeting guys like Zoco and seeing different projects out there. It’s it’s it’s it’s been wild.


And really you know we saw all these other AI projects that were and again not to throw any shade but they’re really what they’re doing is taking some open source models running it on probably through some kind of API and making it into a telegram bot. And we just thought you know what there’s there’s more that can be done here in this space and I being the type of builders and shippers that we are where it just we saw the opportunity and got very excited by it.

Christopher (17:44):

I feel like you answered my question and then some you know and that’s the answer I was actually hoping for because I feel like all these people are like they’re wasting the potential and they’re missing the mark because they’re kind of lazy and you know and they’re just scratching the surface that the potential of this is. You know a whole lot more than what people are just stopping at you know because it goes as far as how people want to set the bar. So if people just want to sit you know inside of a fishbowl and claim that hey inside of this fishbowl you know this is the greatest you know AI that we have you know because you know all we know is copying open source and copying pasting and you know being unoriginal you know and inside that fishbowl you know it’s great and it works you know but when you go into the ocean I feel like it can expand a lot more. You know I couldn’t agree more with what you said.

zkbrain.eth (18:42):

Yeah and the problem with making your own fishbowl is so can anyone else right. It’s kind of easy to do so. The way we see it is basically running a model as a service. What a lot of these projects are doing in the short term I’m sure they’ll do quite well but in the long term we just don’t see how you’ll be able to charge for that. The reason being is the models are improving every day. It’s getting cheaper and cheaper to actually go from a prompt to an image.


So we just see that as a race to the bottom. There’s the future of that. Well you’ll have to monetize it in a different way. You won’t be able to charge just strictly for generation. You’ll have to have another way of producing revenue.

Christopher (19:26):

Yeah because once you know everyone’s going to be able to generate that you know really easily with little to no cost and perhaps for free and there’s no need and there’s no reason to actually you know because it’s actually it’s just a facade. You got it.

zkbrain.eth (19:42):

There’s nothing there. You got it. And then the ones that will be able to be monetized will be the best models. The ones that produce the best output. But even then like I said earlier with it all being with the power of open source collaboration I don’t see that lasting long.


I’d actually love to hear from some artists. If you have any artists out in the audience please you know feel free to request speaker come on up and I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and what you feel in the industry and you know what even what your workflow is like. I think a lot of people here probably used generative AI technology in some form just for you know maybe for memes or just for generating awesome art. But I’d love to hear you know what you find interesting about the space and where you see it going.

YosemiteSean (20:38):

We got here we go. We got new one coming up for you know speaking on being an artist here.

zkbrain.eth (20:47):

Hey thanks for coming up.

YosemiteSean (20:48):

What’s happening.

Community Member #2 (20:51):

Yeah so I’ve been chatting a bit with Josh over the DMs on Twitter. I really I’m trying to figure out like in this conversation I was like how did I come across generative. I mean I came across it on Twitter obviously but I don’t I was trying to trace myself back how I came across it but I don’t remember. But I mean it’s wonderful like this is kind of like something that I’ve been kind of looking for and I think I like hit the perfect spot so to speak. So so I’m no one. I would say like I call myself like a psychic visionary artist and I’m from Sri Lanka and I’ve been sort of experimenting with AI from for quite a while. First I started out. I think you might be all familiar with like the first time I came across this PYTTI notebook I believe it was from someone called Sports Racer. That’s how I sort of got into the sort of AI things and I was initially sort of using I used to collage different photographs and imagery and pretty much use it kind of like as a filter and then from that to sort of disco diffusion.


That was a blast as well. And then from that to sort of mid journey and then stability stable diffusion again online and then I was back to stable diffusion in Google collab notebooks and finally now I’m sort of running stable diffusion locally and it’s been a blast complete awesome journey with like AI and I kind of really like the not just creating the work but sort of the AI community has been super supportive as well and also the sort of you know the heated arguments and discussions that go on Twitter with the AI is real art and all that and that also adds a certain amount of spice to the entire situation but yeah like so I’m I have like some work that I’ve been sort of building upon and I’ve been thinking of like what they are to sort of put my work out and all that so I have just like one collection that I’m focused on at the moment but the rest of my work I’ve been sort of thinking how to get it out and what my plan would be and all that and perfect timing you know like and I come across generative you know so it’s really good timing on my part I was like yeah like I’m like super stoked about it and yeah.

zkbrain.eth (23:52):

I was gonna say that’s that’s awesome to hear it sounds like you’re already talking to Josh in DM so you know we’ll make sure you’re one of the first people to get on and get your art out there I can’t wait to see it. When you’re using AI art like these generation tools you know what like what’s the part you like least about it?

Community Member #2 (24:14):

Well earlier it was I would say running it locally has solved quite a bit of problems but before it was the the interface was like with Google collab notebooks I mean I mean I like a graphical interface better than you know like a you know I felt like I was like trying to hack into like the CIA or something when I was using the Google notebooks so it’s like some kind of graphical interface would be wonderful.

zkbrain.eth (24:47):

Yeah exactly I mean you don’t need to have a or you shouldn’t need to have a computer science degree to generate art right like that’s yeah.

Community Member #2 (24:57):

And then the other thing is I would say at the moment is computing power that’s the other thing like I mean I love running it locally stable diffusion and all but sometimes I like I you know like my other work like I work in large resolutions like 7200 pixels and all that so but with the AI you know like there’s a limit in resolution but there’s upscaling and all that so I mean at the moment the least favorite part I would say is some it has to do with yeah compute computing power when it comes to I would say training a custom model or something that’s what I’m really sort of interested in because I have my own body of work that I would like to sort of train a model on.


And there’s like a lot of things coming from like Sri Lanka not sure how familiar you are with the country and everything is but there’s like a quite a rich history to it and they said sort of there are like art I would say like art styles with a unique to Sri Lanka.


So there’s another one of my friends is a good another great artist in the space as well as a Haritra. So we’ve been sort of talking about how we can perhaps use some of these like local images and build sort of highly specialized model sets like localized model sets sort of that for sure so that’s something that we’ve been talking about and now like I was going through a bit of the white paper and all that on generating so it’s perfect in a way.

zkbrain.eth (26:57):

Exactly and that’s really the idea right is and you said it so perfectly just generating an image with your hardware like even if you have say a brand new MacBook Pro M2 processor fully loaded like you’re still going to be waiting quite a long time for that image to come through just the compute resources needed are massive just to generate an image.


Then to train a model it’s way more so that right now is without some real sophistication in terms of setting up hardware or just having it around it is quite difficult to do as you have found and what we want to do is empower anybody to be able to make those models using a decentralized network and then put it up and have people use it, monetize it, get some feedback. Right now there are people kind of doing this.


They’re just making models. They’re posting them on Hugging Face and other platforms. They have no idea how people are using it, what they’re actually doing with it. Such an important part of this as well is just the analytics like you made a model with some of your psychedelic art. What are people actually generating with it? What are they doing with it after they produce an image? It’s very interesting to be able to track all of that and understand what people are actually doing with this.

Community Member #2 (28:33):

I think recently quite a few artists in the psychedelic visionary space as well who are really pushing the boundaries of AI and integrating the artwork into their practice. I think this will be super interesting to a lot of people. I would say a lot of artists who are diving into AI and also like you said earlier, sort of the forerunners in the AI art scene. I’m pretty sure they’ll be here super soon and everyone will be on board.

zkbrain.eth (29:12):

Yeah, for sure. Something else you said, there’s kind of this wedge, this divide between AI artists and non-AI artists. I think it’s interesting. You’re right, it does get quite spicy on Twitter from time to time, people fighting about that. I think a lot of that is just due to there really being no acknowledgement of where that art came from. A lot of it is, hey, my piece has been stolen, my work has been stolen and I’m not okay with that. Hopefully we can change that attitude. It’s going to be tough. If you look back in history, when photography, pure film photography came out, everyone said, nope, not art. You just kind of line it up, point and shoot. It took quite a long time for that to be accepted as art. Then, of course, digital photography comes later on. That’s not art. It’s even easier. There’s no technique. Photoshop, digital art comes around. It’s just a never-ending cycle. I see this as not exactly the same, but it’s a similar attitude, similar type of pushback. It will take some time, but society moves at a slower pace than technology, but eventually people will come around.

YosemiteSean (30:38):

Well, everybody, with that pretty great explanation there, does anybody have any other questions before we get back to work on stage one?

Community Member #1 (30:49):

Just wanted to add one thing, guys. Every single one of you in this space, just listening, means a lot to everybody, and this goes to any other community or any other project that you believe in. Hitting a like, hitting a retweet, just on anything. I’m trying to get my friend up here on some other spaces as well, just to reach out to as many people as possible. If you see him posting, you should be following, obviously, the team. I’m not going to make you do it, but it just means a lot right if you’re here listening already. Just give him a follow. If he posts his space that he’s on, it’s nice to show that showmanship, especially if you believe in something like this, which I do, and I always have since Cobb has talked to me about it. I’m excited to see what you guys have for the future. I’ll be part of it on the sidelines, just looking in, and I’ll just as a friend helping out a friend, but very excited for the future. Make sure, guys, hitting that like, hitting the retweet is not a big effort. It’s just two clicks. I believe in you.


But great space, great space.

zkbrain.eth (31:54):

Thanks. I appreciate you coming out.

YosemiteSean (31:57):

Yeah, thanks, man. Great, great having you here, and thanks for that. Anybody else want to have any last words, or is this time to get back to work on Generative?

Christopher (32:08):

Yeah, I appreciate you guys opening up the space and answering the questions and introducing everyone. I like what you guys are doing so far, and I look forward to the future.

YosemiteSean (32:22):

Thanks, man. You’ve been showing a ton of support for us. We really appreciate it. We’re very excited to be able to show you Stage 1 very soon.

Christopher (32:34):

Once we go ahead and get Stage 1, we can go ahead and the world will soon learn about our exploits.

YosemiteSean (32:48):

Yeah, we’re super excited about how people are going to react to Stage 1, especially seeing what’s further in store. We’re very optimistic and excited about that. But thanks again, everybody, for coming on out to the very first Generative community space. It’s great having you. Great to have your support, and we’ll be getting together again soon. See you later, guys.

JoshGarlic.eth (33:11):

Yeah, thank you, everyone. Thanks, guys.

Video Description

Recording of the first Generaitiv Community Twitter spaces to celebrate the launch of the $GAI token.

Speakers: cob analyst (Co-Founder): zkbrain.eth (Co-Founder): YosemiteSean (Community Manager): JoshGarlic.eth (Community Manager):

Generativ Links: Website: Twitter: Telegram: Discord:

Whitepaper: Buy $GAI on Uniswap: $GAI Chart:

Generaitiv is a community-driven AI platform built to empower AI contributors. $GAI will power the largest, public, and decentralized AI computing network in the world. The Generative AI blockchain at a protocol level will initially launch as an L1 Ethereum token. $GAI will be used to incentivize GPU computing power to the network.


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